An arctic cold front is sweeping down from Canada through the jet stream over the weekend, bringing plenty of chilly winter air. Highs for the Midwest and Plains states probably won't be getting much higher than 20 degrees. This seems cold, but usually around this time, we're having temperatures in the negatives!

As for snow, we should be getting our first inch or so to stick after Sunday, potentially up to four inches, though! Weather.com says that we have our first snow sticking around November 18th.. only about a month late.

A low pressure cell will be moving along with the snow storm, and will cause it to move north on Sunday evening.
Colorado will also be seeing from snow thanks to the jet stream dip, up to 6 inches
A video explaining the weather can be found here:
Unfortunately, this 2012 will hold the record for the warmest year for the continental united states. Data has been being kept for the last 118 years. The previous record was 1998.
The only way avoid setting the new record would be if December ended up being about one degree colder than the coldest December recorded. From the looks of things, this is highly unlikely.
Needless to say, this has also been an extremely dry year. At the end of November, approximately 62% of the US was experiencing drought.
With below average rainfall, and above average temperatures, I just hope we can have a white New Year.