Friday, December 14, 2012

"global warming isn't happening"

To those who have ever uttered those words..


Are you aware of anything that is going on in the world? Do you watch the news? Do you hear anything that anyone says about anything ever?

Didn't think so.

Fact of the matter is: it's happening. Change is happening. And it is too late to do anything to stop it.

Arctic ice concentration, Sept 16, 2012, in comparison to previous
record low (yellow line) and historic median extent (black line). 
This year marked yet another record: summer ice loss in the Arctic. Greenland's ice sheet has melted more than it has before, without temperatures even being unusually high when considering the past ten years.

In related studies, the earth's permafrost is beginning to thaw.
Permafrost is ground that stays frozen for two or more years.

The thawing of permafrost is exposing a forest  and other organic matter that has been frozen for hundreds of years. The thawing of this matter allowing the forest to come back to life, but along with it, it's releasing carbon dioxide and methane gas.

"Research shows that the Earth's permafrost contains 1,700 gigatons of carbon 
as frozen organic matter. That's twice the carbon currently in the atmosphere."
from TWC

The release of these gases will be a huge game changer in the realm of global warming. It's another things we need to keep and eye on to ensure change doesn't happen quicker than we, or our infrastructure, can handle...


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