Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurricane Sandy (part 2)

water rushes into the NY subway system
through an elevator shaft

Hurricane Sandy made landfall October 29, Monday evening over southern New Jersey.

Here is a post for things that continued to happen before Sandy made landfall:
about 80% of Atlantic City, New Jersey was reported 'underwater'

Subway systems flooding, lower Manhattan's power shut down in attempts to prevent damage,  and a crane's supports, atop a high rise building in the process of being constructed, failed and is dangling above the street. Obama also urges people to listen to officials and do not delay evacuation.

Things went from bad to worse as Sandy made landfall:

A large area of Queens (New York) was up in flames and many homes were destroyed, NYU Hospital's generator failed after power went out, so patients needed to be transported to other facilities.

New York City and Atlantic City are those most affected by the storm. Major flooding in these areas, as well as problems with the power grid are the worst of their problems.

Some sources report up to 3.1 million are without power across the north east. On top of this, about 8,000 flights have been cancelled so far, and public transportation is at a halt from Washington DC up to Massachusetts.


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